Silver Lining: one of those perfect blustery days

May 24, 2012

one of those perfect blustery days

This is what we do on stormy evenings.

eat warm enchilada soup. my aunt Julie's famous recipe. 

wear blazers to keep out the wind

apply fresh coats of mint nail polish

and bundle up for a cold kickball game against Riley Nelson's team. Seriously though. There wasn't a single player on that team that wasn't a BYU athlete. {And we only lost by 3, which I think is dang good.}

Not to mention sweatpants, homemade quilts, and a good book.

Our life is tiny and simple. We wouldn't have it any other way right now.


  1. love that whole blazer outfit.
    also gosh that nail polish color is perfect.


  2. Oooh I'm loving your top, nails, and shoes. They all go perfectly together!!

    - Sarah

  3. Mmm that soup looks deeelish. And I love your shirt. And your shoes. Blustery days are the bessst :)

  4. AnonymousMay 24, 2012

    mmm i love a good bowl of soup :)

  5. So glad to have found your blog it's SUPER CUTE!

    XO, newest follower i hope you check my blog out=)


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